Just enough people are smart enough to have turned down the Personhood Amendment in Mississippi.
This proposal would have criminalized birth control -and here's a shocker!- possibly even miscarriages. Thankfully, its ridiculous nature was obvious.
Here's the thing - ONLY a woman can die from complications with a pregnancy. She has every right to say "no" to a pregnancy, especially within the first trimester. It should be her decision to carry or not to carry a child to term, not the state's. Republicans who support the personhood amendment and similar demeaning, limiting government actions are going against the fabric of their party. It is shameful.
Some will argue that a child can also die from complications in a pregnancy - but the only human being with the mental capacity to make decisions, who has lived and defined (his or) her own existence, is the mother. Not the child. The power should be with the mother. Stop disregarding her life and personhood.
Seriously. When it comes down to it, this amendment and other radical anti-abortion ideas choose to define the mother, who has an identity and years of experience, as LESS of a person than an unborn child. I don't care what you think of when life begins, the mother is still a more mature person, and she should not be sacrificed for her child!