Sunday, April 22, 2012


There has been a lot of buzz about LEGO recently.  The new line, LEGO Friends, features the inhabitants of Heartlake City, where women lead mundane calm cute (?) lives baking and taking care of puppy booboos.  They also skateboard!  In flimsy shoes while carrying a bunch of pears semi-stuffed into a parfait glass?

ANYWAY - there has been a valid, hah, sorry, "man-hating lesbian" critique offered for the Friends community.  For an unknown reason, some folks have questions about the abundance of malls, cafes, and spas in Heartlake City, coupled with the lack of -say -things that actually make cities, like hospitals, universities, government infrastructure.  Crazy, I know. 

The minifigs themselves have come under scrutiny as well for their shape and costume.  The protest is against the inclusion of discernible breasts and narrow waists on the figurines.

Personally, I do not see the problem here.  They are female minifigs, and everyone loves boobs -especially on an otherwise seemingly juvenile character.  I say the real problem is the opposite concern shown for the anatomical correctness of the "boy" minifigs.  I want to know, Where's the Bulge?  And why is Han Solo's butt where the Bulge should beI want answers.  Men have anatomy too, and if the Friends' minifigs get curves, nay - need to have them and it is ludicrous to think otherwise- then I dzrn well want my anatomically correct Han Solo package!

I mean - kids who play with LEGO need it, because otherwise life does not make sense.